- Knowledge
- is the theoretical understanding of a subject. It’s what you’ve learned through education or work experience.
- For example, in building and construction, you will require knowledge of materials, methods, and the tools involved in the construction or repair of houses, buildings, or other structures such as highways and roads
- Skills
- Technical Skills
Knowledge of how to complete
specific tasks
- May be taught in school or on the job
- Usually related to an occupation
- Examples: cooking, building a cabinet, writing computer code
- Soft Skills
Behaviors, attitudes, traits and communication skills
- Some soft skills can be taught
- Others develop over time with experience
- Soft skills can be improved at any time
- Examples: critical thinking, determination, flexibility
- Technical Skills
is synonymous with capability, potential, or capacity. It determines whether you possess the means to do something.
For example, stamina is the ability to exert yourself physically over long periods of time without getting winded or out of breath. It’s an essential ability for professions like fitness trainers, firefighters, or waiters/waitresses.